The Church of Peace has been awarded with the certificate “2016 Tourism Product of the Year” at the Congress of Tourism.
In Świdnica from the 12th to 14th of October, more than 800 participants from Poland took part in the event, including local government officials, representatives of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Polish Tourist Organization, universities and tourist institutions. All who were present discussed issues related to tourism development in a long time perspective (up to the year 2030). They talked about promotion, trends and innovations in the tourism industry.
Marek Ciechanowski, the President of the Chamber of Tourism of the Republic of Poland, praised Świdnica for its excellent organization. The idea of preparing the congress here was suggested by the local municipal officials.
They wanted to use their experience gained from the organization of the Congress of the Regions, and show at a national forum what cultural treasures we are proud to offer. For our city this is an incredible promotion opportunity – said Beata Moskal-Słaniewska, the President of Świdnica.